The #1 Hosted PBX Phone System for Business in 2024

work telephone


The places where we do business are rapidly changing. Companies are considering hybrid workplace scenarios and some are even committing to a fully remote environment. According to a study by career site Ladders, 25% of all professional jobs in North America will be remote by the end of 2022 and that number will continue to increase through 2023.

Remote and hybrid workplaces present a challenge for companies that need to stay in touch with their customers and employees wherever they’re located – at home, in the office or on the road. How can a customer get a hold of an employee if their main phone isn’t always near at hand, whether that’s a cellphone or a landline? How do employees get in touch with one another if they’re always on the move?

A hosted PBX is a great way to keep your staff connected with each other and their clients, no matter where they are, at any time of day, while also saving your business from unnecessary expenses.

What Is A Hosted PBX?

A hosted private branch exchange (PBX) is a private telephone network for a company that is hosted offsite, usually in the cloud. It is sometimes called a virtual PBX and it offers a lot of advantages to both small businesses and large companies. One of the biggest differences with a traditional PBX is that there are few costs because the VoIP service is operated and maintained by the service provider rather than being managed internally by the IT department.

A hosted PBX still lets companies use all the features they’re used to on a traditional phone system like voicemail, fax, automated greetings, conference calls, etc. However, it also offers certain services that traditional PBXs can’t, including routing calls to multiple devices at once, fax to email and emailed voicemail messages.

work telephone

Key Benefits of Hosted PBX for a Business

A hosted PBX has many benefits for your business compared to a traditional PBX service. Not only does it support all of your employees with an easy-to-use phone system, it also serves your customers better and is more affordable. Your employees can access their business phone number from anywhere on any device at any time they want.

It’s also simple to set up – there’s no downtime or installation costs. Plus, a hosted PBX comes with the service and support expenses built into your monthly cost.

Low setup costs

Because a hosted PBX is a virtual phone system, the initial investment to set it up is very low. You don’t need to buy proprietary hardware and pay for installation. You can use a hosted PBX service on the landlines and cell phones you already have. You also don’t need to worry about dedicating valuable floor space to servers as everything is stored and managed in the cloud on external servers.

Eliminate maintenance costs

Say goodbye to maintenance expenses. Because your phone service is hosted in the cloud, your provider manages and maintains it, saving you valuable time and money. The best part is, if there’s a problem that needs fixing, you’re not on the hook for the cost.

User friendly

Hosted PBX phone services are very simple for end users. There’s no training required. You just use your phone like you normally would.

Ultimate flexibility

With a hosted PBX system, employees can work from anywhere – the office, home or even on the road. They just need a stable Internet connection. Have more than one office? You can connect all your locations seamlessly with the same phone system.

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Peace of mind

Enjoy a secure connection for all your sensitive business communication. A hosted PBX phone system is reliable and is automatically upgraded to further protect your communications whenever your provider has a security update.

Advanced features

A hosted PBX system offers all the features you’re used to, plus incredibly useful functionalities you won’t get with a traditional PBX. Systems offer video conferencing, instant messaging, fax to email, emailed voicemail messages and more.


How Hosted PBX Helps Your Business

Support your workforce

Today’s workforce is more mobile than ever before. Gone are the days when all employees at an organization were in the same building from nine to five. Employees today work from home or split their time at the office and sometimes work unconventional hours.

A hosted PBX phone system helps your employees stay connected to clients and colleagues, no matter where they are or what device they have with them. They can take calls on their cell phone, a landline or even their work laptop.

Simple to manage

It’s also very easy to manage. Set up call routing or set a vacation voicemail message directly from your online portal from any device that’s connected to the Internet.

Better customer experience

Make it easy for your customers to reach your employees wherever they are by setting up a single number for each employee across all their devices. Route calls across office phones, smartphones, tables and computers so that it gets answered no matter where your employee is.

Increase productivity

Give your employees the ability to do business wherever they are as long as they have an Internet connection by routing calls to any extension or mobile device.

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Reduce expenses

As mentioned above, there’s no upfront investment in hardware for your phone system with a hosted PBX system. Plus, you’ve gotten rid of maintenance costs and any expenses associated with upgrading your system in the future. That leaves you with more capital to invest in growing your business.


Why Our Hosted PBX Solution Is Perfect for Your Business

Unite Communications offers you standard features you’d expect in any business phone system plus advanced functionalities that the traditional “big” telecommunications companies don’t.

Follow me: Route calls to you wherever you are. Have calls ping one phone or hunt several locations at the same time.

Simultaneous Ring: Calls can ring on multiple devices or extensions at the same time.

Call Schedule: Have calls routed based on the time or day so there’s always someone available to answer.

Call Screening: Handle calls from different people in different ways.

Call Transfer: Route a call quickly and efficiently within your office building or to an employee working from home or on the road.

Extension to Extension Dialing: Reach another employee in your organization, wherever they are, by dialing their extension.

Long Distance: Call within Canada free of charge and enjoy competitive rates to worldwide destinations.

Hot Desking: Use the exact same extension in multiple locations so you can be reached at home or in the office.

Web Portal: Review messages, see recent caller details, and perform administrative functions via the web portal.

Avoid bulky hardware and complex infrastructure with a hosted PBX from Unite Communications. And unlike the big guys, we’ll never lock you into a multiple-year contract.

Switch to Unite Communications Today

Get a phone system to match your business reality with Unite Hosted PBX. Contact us today to see what we can offer you.

The places where we do business are rapidly changing. Companies are considering hybrid workplace scenarios and some are even committing to a fully remote environment.

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We’ve recently transferred our business telephone services from one of the big telecom companies to Unite. I have to admit – we were nervous to switch to a small company after only dealing with ‘Big Telecom’ for decades. All I can say is that I wish we had switched over to Unite years ago! Every communication and dealing I’ve had with them (in several different departments) has been amazing. It feels exactly like dealing with a local business where they care about you as a client, offer a good quality service/product at reasonable rates and have competent, smart people working for them.

Sarah Giovannone

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I wish I had found Unite sooner. We were using Rogers all these years with nothing but problems. The hold times trying to get service was just unbearable. A friend recommended Unite and I’m so glad they did. Cheaper than both Rogers and Bell with so many more options. Switching over was a breeze. I highly recommend Unite Communications for your business.

Mike Goldlist

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Other than the quick customer services and reasonable pricing, we were much impressed with the website design, too. Before we switched over from Bell to Unite, we were very hesitated and gone to a number of websites to check out their SNR services.
Once we saw the Unite site, all our concerns regarding the switch-over were answered: plain and simple. we called and the customer representative was very knowledgeable, reassuring and friendly.
Since then, we have a few special requests and these were answered promptly and great suggestions were provided. We would and have referred Unite to a few of our friends/vendors.

Porter Fine Printing Limited

I’ve been with Unite for over 2 years. I work in Account services, setting up clients with new business tools such as Unite Hosted PBX, Conferencing and Virtual Attendant. I also work with internal teams to ensure all customer requirements are met. My Operations background is an advantage because I’m able to help our customers immediately. I love introducing our clients to new products that assist them in improving communications with their clients. My goal is always to ensure the process runs smooth on both sides. Happy customers are my best measure of success. I’m Margarita Asatrian and I work at Unite.

Margarita Asatrian

Account Manager

Christine Nicoll headshot.

I have been on the Unite team for over 14 years. Watching the company evolve and grow into one of Canada’s fastest growing companies (2 years in a row) is a privilege and a source of pride. In addition to sales support, I work with customers to make sure the onboarding process is organized and efficient. I continue to support our clients as their needs also evolve and grow. I believe the team, and how we work together to ensure we offer the best product and service, is the primary reason for our organic growth. 


One of things I like best about Unite is that it’s 100% home grown. We are Canadian owned and operated. At a time when many companies were letting go of staff (or exporting jobs to foreign markets) we were growing and creating jobs at home. It makes me happy to be a continuing part of it.


I’m Christine Nicoll, and I work at Unite. Visit us at

Christine Nicoll

Client Services Manager

Marta W headshot

I am a Customer Service Specialist for Unite. I have been a part of the team for over two years. Having the ability to make someone’s day makes my job very satisfying. A positive customer service experience and happy customers influence the attitudes of my entire team. My job is important and my role is key to the team’s success.

Giving my full attention to the customers and their concerns is the best tool I use to respond to an issue or circumstance in a timely manner. When customers observe a quick response time, it shows our respect and commitment to the customer’s time. I love to see the customers happy by being able to solve their problems.

Working for a company with continued growth gives me a lot of peace of mind. I look forward to watching Unite grow. I am fortunate to be a part of this growing company.

I’m Marta Woszczyna, and I work at Unite.

Marta Woszczyna

Client Services Specialist

Jeremy Rozen headshot.

I have been on the Unite team for over 2 years as a Business Development Manager – responsible for helping customers find solutions to understand and solve their business telecom challenges. Customers are often surprised how easy it is for us to streamline their telecommunications with affordable, flexible and reliable alternatives. We are able to customize a solution for each customer, making the experience both personable and actionable. Unite is a great place to work. Looking forward to implementing and sharing our next iteration of projects. I’m Jeremy Rozen, I work at Unite.

Jeremy Rozen

Business Development

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As a Business Development Associate for Unite, I work with potential and existing customers to demonstrate products and answer their questions. I believe strong communication skills, excellent customer service skills, relationship management skills and an in-depth knowledge of Unite’s products or services are the best tools to be successful. Most of the time, I continue to be the main point of contact even after the final purchase is made. When this happens, I know I have done right by the customer. I am a people person, when the customer is happy, I am very happy. 
Our products and services make it easy to continue to assist customers. I help assess any current business constraints and will introduce the customer to relevant services that can have a large impact on productivity. Unite also provides me with a lot of flexibility. We don’t just sell Unite services – we use them. This allows me to work from the cottage when I need a break from the city. I have a central office, wherever I am. This flexibility has made a positive impact on me both professionally and personally.
Working for a company that I believe in and believes in me is awesome. I am Margaret Sutton, and I work at Unite.

Margaret Sutton

Business Development Associate