When it comes to communication, consumers expect both speed and efficiency. For this reason alone, more and more businesses are opting for business text messaging instead of calling. About 97% of consumers ignore or reject calls from businesses or unknown numbers. You can Send and receive text messages from your existing Business phone number to enhance your customer communication with Unite TextMeAnywhere’s easy-to-use business text messaging platform.
Text messages are quick to read, succinct, and just as easy to respond to in a matter of seconds. Consumers can even read through text messages just by looking at their lock screen. However, you can never know when it’s an appropriate time to call them, so their chances of picking up your calls are close to none.
According to research, about 90% of all text messages are read within three seconds of receiving them. What’s more, the average response time for text messages stands at 90 seconds. It’s evident that communication through business text messaging is not just more efficient, but also so much faster.
Additionally, given its speed, it will be possible for your team to talk to a larger volume of consumers. If you have promotions and discounts, then it’s possible to send mass text messages to multiple people at the same time. Beyond that, you can easily tell which messages are unanswered and follow up with those customers.
91% of all U.S. citizens have their mobile device within reach 24/7 (source: Morgan Stanley). More than two out of five of you have even slept with your phone! Plus, almost all mobile phones today are SMS-enabled, which means most everyone can receive text messages.
Customers are Texting back
Businesses that rely exclusively on voice calls and voicemails are missing possible connections. Customers are texting landline and toll free numbers, and it’s bad for business to ignore them. 150 million text messages are sent to landline telephone numbers every day. You may have customers texting you and you don’t even know it. If you’re not already incorporating text messaging into your marketing and outreach strategies, it may be time to start.Business Text Messaging Is Much Faster
Compared to text messaging, phone calls take a lot of time. One of the worst things about calling customers is you never know when it’s the most appropriate time to make that call. We’re living in a busy world, and they could be commuting, working, getting dinner going, or simply just not interested in talking at that time. None of these scenarios would be a good time to talk to customers about your business. On the other hand, when it comes to text messages, sending them is a lot faster, and so is receiving them. Most people always have their phones on hand, and it would only take a peek to read a text message.
Customer Relationship Management
Texts are convenient, non-intrusive, easy to deal with, and above all, familiar. We text family and friends every day. There could hardly be a better channel through which you could build a relationship with your customers. Establishing a two way conversation between you and your customers through texts sends a message that your business is one that cares—and this keeps customers coming back for more transactions with your business.Text messaging is immediate, personal and everywhere
According to CTIA, it takes 90 minutes for the average person to respond to an email. It takes 90 seconds for the average person to respond to a text message. If what you are communicating is time-sensitive, then you want to be sure your audience gets the message.